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Stone Mountain Memorial Association Board Agenda – May 2015

By May 12, 2015June 8th, 2015Blog



May 19, 2015

 LOCATION:      Evergreen Conference Center and Resort
                            Willow meeting room
TIME:                 1:00 PM

1.  Meeting called to order by Chairman Carolyn Meadows.

2.  Approval of Minutes.
    Approval of the minutes of the April 21, 2015 meeting.

3.  Public Comment.
    Persons wising to comment must sign up prior to the meeting.  Individual comments will be limited to 3 minutes and the Public Comments Session will be limited to 15 minutes.

4.  Silver Dollar City / Stone Mountain Park Report.

5.  Finance Report - Year to Date.

6.  Proposed Change to SMMA Ordinance.
    First reading of proposed changes to Ordinance 8-106 "Pets and Other Animals"

7.  New Business.
    Ms. Thompson to update the Board on Educational classes for 2015.

8.  Old Business.

9.  Adjournment.